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I.) The chart provides only an historical record.It must be updated when organisational change occurs.
2.) If accuracy, an organisational chart can identify problems that are contributing to inefficiency. If large scale change is contemplated, then a thorough examination of the existing structure is wise.
3.) In any business activity, relationships exist that are almost impossible to chart, either because they are so complex or because they are transitory.
4.) Charts are often useful to explain the organisation of a business to a new employee. e.g. in an Induction course.
5.) An overemphasis on charts can produce a rigidity of roles as staff become obsessed by boundaries highlighted by “neat boxes”.
6.) Fixing staff in terms of vertical lines can lead to problems over status.
7.) The chart may give little evidence of the style of management.
8.) The chart may often be a starting point for an “0 & M” study. The study must then change focus from an examination of formal titles to an examination of actual work done.

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